A real-life donkey who served as the animation model for the character Donkey in the “Shrek” franchise died on Thursday at the age of 30 at his home in California. Pericles, affectionately ...
They don't know he's the Shrek donkey. They just know he's a little ... Animators from the computer animation production company Pacific Data Images visited Barron Park in 1999 to observe how ...
The inspiration for the Shrek character Donkey, Perry the donkey, has died (Picture: REX / Barron Park Donkeys) Perry the donkey, the inspiration for Eddie Murphy’s character in the film Shrek ...
The miniature donkey that was the motion model for Eddie Murphy's character Donkey in the Shrek franchise has died. Perry, the donkey, died at the age of 30, People confirmed with Perry's handler ...
The first Shrek film was released in 2001 to ... SFGate previously reported that Perry posed for photos and sketches to model the Donkey character, and was paid around £60 for this role.