The portal was only due to operate until the end of October, but that has now been extended until the end of January 2025.
The Dublin Portal live stream link to New York City has been shut down permanently, just over five months after the ...
Philadelphians came out by the scores to connect with people in three Europe cities in front of a new Portal in LOVE Park.
THE DUBLIN PORTAL will now play witness to a livestream from Philadelphia’s JFK Plaza Love Park, as its US counterpart has ...
The installation is now linked with others in Ireland, Lithuania and Poland. More are headed to Brazil and Ethiopia.
The video sculpture will give people in Philadelphia real-time connections with folks in Ireland, Poland and Lithuania.
"This is an opportunity for us to highlight for the world what Philadelphia is all about," said Joe Callahan, Philadelphia ..., which owns the art installation, officially activated the portal in Love Park Tuesday morning. It connects ...