“The three new rules … recalibrate our approach to export controls,” a senior Commerce Department official said. “These changes will offer relief to US companies and they’ll increase ...
AUSA 2024 — The US Army this week announced it was cancelling plans to develop a next-generation interceptor for the Patriot air defense system, but executives from key air defense competitors ...
WASHINGTON — The Defense Department today quietly published it’s newest update to the document [PDF] that assigns roles and missions to both the Space Force chief and the commander of US Space ...
WASHINGTON — The National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) has been moving to speed its processes for acquiring commercial imagery in order to help support a robust US industrial base, according to ...
WASHINGTON — The Commerce Department today announced a tripartite set of export reform rules for a variety of commercial space technologies — including the removal of licensing restrictions on ...
WASHINGTON — America’s largest defense conference, the annual gathering of the Association of the US Army, brings in a reliable international presence for the conference, including a sizeable ...
RTX entered into two three-year deferred prosecution agreements as part of a settlement with the Justice Department.
AUSA — The Army’s massive and much-debated “modern software development” contract is headed for a third and final revision due out next month, officials told a standing-room-only audience ...
AUSA 2024 — Cargo aerial drones and autonomous boats will team up at next year’s Project Convergence capstone exercise to help the service flesh out future operating concepts and drive ...
AUSA 2024 — As US Army leaders continue inking plans to request flexible spending pots for several broad groups of technology, the service’s top two civilian leaders say that they are growing ...
The Army aims to replace its RQ-7 Shadow with a new, more nimble drone that doesn’t require a runway, to better scout and survive in fast-moving conflicts with great powers.