Leading a movement is not the same as leading a government, one expert says about interim administration whose leaders ...
The amendments aim to help the burdens faced by Malaysian mothers while introducing new challenges for certain groups.
The Southeast Asian group’s strengths do not lie in making calls over issues that none of its members can agree on.
Rang Undang-Undang Perlembagaan (Pindaan) 2024 diluluskan dengan majoriti dua pertiga namun pengkritik mendakwa beberapa ...
Pacific nations hope the climate change case they’ve brought to the U.N. court will help overcome the shortcomings of ...
Jumlah anggota kabinet Presiden Prabowo Subianto yang lebih dari seratus orang kemungkinan akan membebani keuangan negara ...
One NGO estimates that the 109 ministers, deputies, and new ministries would cost $125 million over 5 years, not including ...
Hari Minggu 20 Oktober 2024 menandai berakhirnya satu dekade kekuasaan Jokowi, mantan presiden Indonesia yang membangun citra ...
The popular Joko Widodo, who kept a flock of pet goats, leaves office amid questions about whether democracy slid backward ...
Masa pemerintahan Prabowo Subianto di Indonesia resmi dimulai pada Minggu setelah mantan jenderal yang dicap terlibat ...
Sementara di bawah Prabowo - yang memiliki kontroversi terkait HAM, demokrasi diprediksi tidak akan membaik. Formappi sebut setidaknya 79 anggota DPR terkait hal itu, penelitian lain mendapati 285 ...
Scenes from the inauguration of the country’s new president, a former special forces commander linked to the late dictator ...