University of Nottingham Ningbo China offers various scholarships to students to reward academic excellence and promote diversity. Over 40% of our postgraduate students were awarded scholarships for ...
中国大陆地区的全日制本科生须居住在校内学生公寓四人间或八人四套间寝室。中国大陆地区的全日制硕士研究生、博士生可选择入住校内学生公寓或校外学生公寓。 学生公寓四人间 13#、14#、15 ...
The Centre for English Language Education (CELE) at the University of Nottingham Ningbo China is a large and well-established English language teaching departments in the world. Our teaching team ...
Zhiyi Chen, Xiaoxi Wang, and Hoilam Leong, graduates and student in Product Design and Manufacture (PDM) from the University ...
环境/生态学新上榜!上榜的学科数量在中国合作类办学大学中位居第二。 创历史新高!研究方向涵盖人工智能、能源、纳米科学与技术等多个新兴产业。 陈杰副部长对宁波诺丁汉大学办学20 ...
On 8 October, the Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded to scientists John J. Hopfield and Geoffrey E. Hinton for their work in machine learning and artificial neural networks, elevating discussions ...
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