The Tamil Nadu government has declared a 6-day holiday for Pongal 2025, from January 14th to 19th. Responding to public requests, January 17th was also declared a holiday, extending the break 3 days ...
Houston police say a total of four people were injured by suspected celebratory gunfire on New Year's Eve and New Year's Day, including a 7-year-old boy.
Few could have predicted that PG movies and two foul-mouthed comic book heroes — plus sending titles earlier into homes — ...
To commemorate the holiday, Florida State Rep. Susan Valdes held a special backpack and toy giveaway to kids and their families on Saturday at Zoo Tampa.
BC Egg Director of Communications Amanda Brittain discusses how the avian flu and high holiday demand has been impacting egg supply, and how long the shortage is expected to last.
A substitute teaching assistant in the Albany City School District has resigned following revelations of his involvement in a matter reported in Florid ...
Discover the incredible stop-motion animated films that showcase stunning artistry and unforgettable stories. Perfect picks ...
Luckily, we've been able to find seven killer deals on products we've tested and loved that have made it into the new year.
Can a South Carolina homeowners association force you to remove your Christmas lights and decorations? Here’s what to know.
Strong performances from Wakefield, Hingham, Woburn, Marblehead/Swampscott, Framingham, and Central Catholic caught our eye ...
The TODAY anchor also recalled the worst New Year's Eve date she ever had. "I dressed up to the nines, and I'd never been happier. I was so excited, and it was at his house. I rang the doorbell, and ...
The community is mourning a 5-year-old boy — hit and killed by a school bus as the K-4 student returned to school from the holiday break Thursday. Family identified the 5-year-old as Finn Katona. It ...