Sakamoto Days, inspired by Yuto Suzuki's popular manga, follows Taro Sakamoto (Matthew Mercer), an assassin who marries Aoi (Rosie Okumura) and starts "a mom-and-pop store in a quiet town." ...
Kizetsu Yuusha to Ansatsu Hime fans speculate and anticipate anime adaptation news with Volume 10’s release on February 7, ...
Britain's top diplomat says Europe’s security “is on a knife-edge” and President-elect Donald Trump is right to say NATO ...
Spring 2023's Loving Yamada At Lv999 is a fun addition to the romance anime genre, and fans of the show should check out ...
Looking for some help with today's NYT Mini crossword? In that case, the clues and answers are right here for you.
The English Football League (EFL) has defended the ball used in the League Cup after Arsenal manager Mikel Arteta said it ...
Both the domestic (Japanese) and foreign anime markets grew this year, but the foreign market overtook the domestic market ...
As with most themes, isekai comes in many shapes and sizes, to the point of featuring smaller subgenres. For example, ...
Defeat the cold snap this season with a nice toasty lineup of winter anime streaming. There's still a wait for upcoming ...
Japan Airlines' network suffered a cyberattack Thursday, disrupting luggage services and delaying flights at the start of the New Year holiday season, before being restored later in the day. The ...
Somehow we've reached the end of 2024, and what a year it's been! For fans of anime it's been an eclectic and vibrant 12 months with an array of brilliant debuts and highly-anticipated returns.