Apple already introduced the M4 Max chip in the new MacBook Pro, and it’s currently one of the fastest chips on the market. It sports a 16 core CPU and 40 core GPU, which means a theoretical M4 Ultra ...
To be clear, this is not to say we’re on the precipice of a recession. Rather, it’s just acknowledgement and recognition that it has gotten harder to argue that growth is destiny.
According to Bloomberg’s Mark Gurman, the new Apple smart home hub, which some refer to as ‘Apple command center’ ...
Security researchers have warned that a new variant of the Banshee credential-stealer is targeting Apple’s 100 million macOS users. Here’s what you need to know.
There have been several instances where I found myself staring at an outdated version of a note. At times, even an entirely ...
New Outlook serves ads in the email client, which are impossible to remove without paying. Lack of a unified inbox makes it ...