Khushbu Sundar hosted a star-studded bash for her husband, Sundar C's 57th birthday on January 21. Guests included celebrities like Mani Ratnam, Vishal, and Radikaa Sarathkumar. Sundar C's recent ...
The Music Academy’s morning academic sessions deal with different facets of Carnatic music. Past masters, through their insightful discussions and debates, have enriched the art form. The ...
The time and effort rasikas devote to watch a performance become worth it when the performance lives up to their expectation. It was one such experience of aesthetic delight that one got, while ...
The latest released Periodic Labour Force Survey (PLFS) for July-September 2024 signals a nuanced picture of India’s urban labour market with the unemployment rate hitting a record low at 6.4 ...
K Pichumani “I sang on this very stage 36 years ago, and with these very musicians.” With that Carnatic vocalist TM Krishna began his Christmas morning concert at The Music Academy in Chennai.
Actor-politician Khushbu hosted a star-studded birthday bash for her director-husband Sundar C. Mani Ratnam, Vadivelu, Radikaa Sarathkumar, Vishal and several others from the industry attended the ...