It is definitely coming: the ​quantum computer. Consequently, organisations need to take stock of what kind of cryptography ...
Het staat vast: de ​quantumcomputer komt eraan. Organisaties moeten inventariseren wat voor cryptografie ze gebruiken en daar ...
Solar panels on the roof of your car to charge it with solar energy? Generating solar energy at sea, through windows, coloured façades, or on land? In the future, all this will be commonplace – thanks ...
Als researchmanager bij de unit Energy and Materials Transition leid je de researchgroep Solar Energy van ongeveer 40 professionals. Samen werken jullie aan impactvolle R&D-projecten op het gebied van ...
To accelerate the transition to a low-carbon economy while exploiting existing infrastructure, hydrogen can be injected to the natural gas network. However, there are many technical and regulatory ...
As we transition to cleaner energy sources, the contribution of renewable sources to the total generation is steadily rising. One of the issues of renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, is ...
One day, you are a trainee and then suddenly you are a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer at TNO. For Mathieu Baas ...
Zo ben je trainee, zo ben je Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Officer van TNO. Voor Mathieu Baas ging het allemaal erg hard. “Ik heb een passie voor duurzaamheid. Dus stelde ik voor: laten we de ...
Energiearme huishoudens hebben vaak last van klimaatproblemen in een woning. Nieuw onderzoek van TNO toont aan hoe dit ...
What knowledge do stakeholders in the plastics chain need to accelerate the circular plastics transition by 2050? TNO ...
CEYAS offers a scalable and reliable automation concept for distribution centres and ports. A demo by Verhagen Leiden, V-Tron ...